Here is a video showing a reinactment of the landings of the ANZACs on 25 April 1915.
We found the video very interesting. It helped us realise how soldiers were killed or wounded. It must have been terrible if your friend was shot right in front of your eyes.
We were also amazed at how noisy a war is. With guns firing constantly it sounded like popcorn popping, only much louder!
We watched the video below and were reminded that Germany, at the time, were trying to control the world while Britain and their allies fought to maintain freedom.
Why New Zealand went to war...
We didn't get time to watch the videos below, but perhaps we can watch them at home with our families.
What was the Anzac landing like?
What was it like on the front line at Gallipoli?
The Turkish push, and armistice
Since the Cricket World Cup is being held in Australia and New Zealand at the moment, it is the perfect time to discover how the ANZACs tricked the Turks by staging a cricket game while planning a secret evacuation of the penninsula.
Here are some Australian cricket players talking about the ANZACs.
The ANZACs were very clever in their ways of fooling the Turks at the time when they were really secretly evacuating the penninsula! We saw some photos of dummy soldiers and artillary that fascinated us. Click
here to see them.