Thursday, 30 April 2015

The Grave of the NZ Unknown Warrior

The grave of New Zealand's unknown warrior is in Wellington.

Click the link here to find more information about it.

Anzac 2015

Here are some highlights of the Anzac Day Dawn Service at the Auckland Domain.

Timelapse video showing the evolution of 'The giant poppy'.

Field of Remembrance - Auckland Museum

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Anzac Highlights

We commemorated Anzac Day by attending services to remember our brave ANZAC heroes.

Aaron, his friend and brother salute our ANZAC heroes.

Rafa, at the local RSA.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Highlights of our Stepping Up session

Today in our Stepping Up group we talked about Sergeant Richard Travis who earned the highest military honour, the Victoria Cross, for his bravery. He cut a wire box which was in no man's land, in broad daylight, then went back to his soldiers. Later on he fired on the Germans who were attacking his men. He overpowered them, capturing their weapons. 

We saw a photo of the Victoria Cross medal and also looked at the medals the Germans awarded their brave soldiers. They looked similar!

Our teacher gave each of us a special ANZAC coin to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings. 

When we watched a video about young soldiers who enlisted for war we heard about an English boy whose family didn't want him to go to war. He was so desperate to serve his country that he lied about his age and didn't tell his family that he was going to the war. He ran away but sadly, he never came home as he was killed in action on the Western Front. 

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Link to WW1 photographs

There are some interesting WW1 photographs at the link here .