Monday, 31 August 2015

Getting creative with Lego

Aaron has been working hard at home to create trenches using lego. He has done an amazing job hasn't he?

Making WW1 tributes

At our Stepping Up session today we framed a picture of the person we are researching. We worked out how to open the frame up then closed it back up again. 

Here is another little matchbox that was finished today. 

Some of us are working on creating a war scene using minecraft. We are very excited about it!

Friday, 28 August 2015

Matchbox craft

Today our group was a small one. We looked at some matchboxes that Miss Bland made to remember her great uncles who were in the war. Each one was different because it told a different person's story. We tried to see if we could understand what their stories were from the pictures and symbols on the boxes. 

Joe recognised the blood and bullet holes and knew that the soldier had received gunshot wounds. 

Lorin knew that a soldier had been a tunneller because of the picture he saw on the box. He also recognised that the soldier had both Australian and New Zealand connections because of the flags used. 

Aaron knew which soldier had met an untimely death from drowning because the matchbox had a ship on it. 

Ivo recognised the Red Cross on the box and knew that the soldier had been admitted to hospital. 

Each boy decorated their own matchbox with pictures of things that related to the person he was researching. Ivo put a picture of Anzac Cove on his box and a picture of the hospital tent because his soldier got really sick while serving on Gallipoli. 

Aaron and Lorin used pictures of horses on their boxes because their great uncles were both troopers. Lorin added an old Canadian flag and an old photo of cows too. This was to represent the fact that his great uncle was a dairy farmer and that he married a Canadian woman. 

Joe included a photo of an old World War 1 bakery in his box because his great grandfather was a baker during the war. 

Our matchboxes are not quite finished. We want to finish them at home with our families, then we will bring them back to school to be displayed with our research. 

Thursday, 20 August 2015

WW1 style uniforms

We had a real treat today! We got to wear some WW1 style uniforms! Actually, the long pants would just fall off us cause we're so small, so only two of us had proper shorts to wear. Wearing the jackets and hats was still very exciting!

It was fun to march around the school and have heads turn and eyes gawk at us! We felt very proud. 

Monday, 10 August 2015

Helping to make giant poppies

We are helping to make some oversized poppies that will be used at the Bays Schools Festival in a couple of weeks. The choirs will be sing a bracket of war songs to commemorate 100 years since the start of World War 1. The poppies we are making will help the audience remember those who lost their lives. 

Here's a picture of the finished poppies. 

Working on our research

We have been researching people from our family who served in World War 1, or people bearing the same name as us. It has been tricky to understand the official documents, and especially difficult to read the cursive writing!

We've been writing a good copy of our research so that we can put it on display.